Businesses trying to take advantage of the opportunities in environmental projects in New York need to account for the rules and regulations the state has in place. For many, this is a hindrance.
Advocates for changes say that the state’s ambitious goals for clean energy could be advanced by being flexible on permits.
Experts and those in the energy business seek sensible reforms
Some business groups are calling for reform. As New York tries to stick to its timetable for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 and 85% by 2050, business leaders in energy are seeking changes.
The author of a report on permits says that there are positives and negatives with the procedures currently used by state regulators. The New York State Environmental Quality Review Act, or SEQR, requires significant environmental scrutiny which leaves those applying wondering when or if they can get the project off the ground.
Under SEQR, the environmental impact of a project needs to be gauged with the positives of the project such as economic and social benefit. The plan will not necessarily be approved. The planning board determines if there is environmental harm and if it is still worth it to pursue the project. It is granted great discretion in making its decision, often leaving businesses wondering whether they can get started and if it is even worth the effort.
Those advocating reforms say they would like the open-ended nature of the reviews to be streamlined; end laws that are basically redundant with both being used to make the decision; limit outside influences from stopping projects; and to expand the use of a previous law from 1977 – the Uniform Procedures Act – to streamline permitting.
Professional assistance is key with environmental projects
Since this is a narrow area of the law, it is important for companies hoping to do business in environmental projects to have experienced guidance that knows the ins and outs. Whether it is securing permits, complying with the law, dealing with enforcement or addressing alleged violations, having advice with environmental law can be crucial to advancing in this business and avoiding long-term delays and other problems.