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Sophisticated Representation For

The Most Complex Projects

What you need to show to secure a zoning variance

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2024 | Land Use & Zoning |

When you purchase or lease a piece of property, you need to be able to use it as you see fit. This is especially true if you’re hoping to monetize the property or otherwise utilize it for a business venture. But your hopes can be quickly dashed by restrictive land use and zoning restrictions that prohibit certain activities on the property in question. However, simply because you’re facing zoning issues doesn’t mean that you should give up. You may be able to successfully seek a zoning variance that allows you to use your land as you want.

Tips to successfully seek a zoning variance

Zoning variances can be tricky to navigate. That said, here are some tips that you might want to utilize to increase your chances of obtaining the outcome you want:

  • Understand the variance type that you need to pursue, as there are several that could come into play in your circumstances.
  • Find a way to demonstrate that compliance with the existing zoning regulations will create an unnecessary hardship.
  • Show that the hardship at hand was not caused by you.
  • Gather evidence and craft arguments that highlight how the variance and your proposed use of the property won’t change the character of the neighborhood or limit land use of nearby property.
  • Demonstrate how the variance won’t harm the public welfare, pointing out the public benefit of the variance, if possible.
  • Articulate how the variance sought is the least restrictive way to allow you to use your land as proposed.

Be prepared to address your zoning issues

Improper zoning and restrictive land use can significantly burden your endeavor. Fortunately, though, you can seek relief. So, continue to read up on what it takes to successfully navigate this legal arena so that you can position yourself for the successful outcome that you want.